Street Portraits After Dark

A little ambiant, a little flash, a lot of differences. More street portraits. 

I know there is a lot of incongruities between these shots, but I think that is what I like about them. I try to keep everyone inside the white, but sometimes they bust out. When asking strangers to stand in front of a white board so you can take their portrait, you don't have a lot time to make everything perfect.  With that all said, I think they work, but I'm probably biased. If you would like your own street portrait, hit me up!

And I can't say thank you enough for the people; some I know, some that are random strangers, who are willing to let me take their portrait. Without them, this doesn't happen.

10.1.17 Faces II

Round II of my new Faces Series. These were also shot down at Blip Roasters this last Sunday Morning.  I plan on moving this around some, so keep  look out for me and my whteboard.

I hope you enjoy viewing them, as much as I did shooting them! And if you find yourself at Blip one Sunday morning, or where ever I have my setup, feel free to jump in front of the whiteboard, and add yourself to the collection. 



9.24.17 Faces Of Blip

As Monty Python Flying Circus once said. . . "And now, time for something completely different". This weeks installment I'm tentatively calling "Faces of Blip". Thanks to the encouragement of a few people (Thank you Ian and Travis), I took a step forward and out of my comfort zone, and started taking street portraits today. (Don't worry, I have some bike pics coming soon too).  I am not sure if I will keep the raw edges or not, this is something new I am exploring, and I hope you enjoy it. Hopefully there will be more of these to come.  

The Princesses and the Phone

I took this shot in the River Market just north of Downtown Kansas City. I didn't notice until I started looking at the shots on my computer the two little girls in Disney Princes  costumes. Kind of made the shot for me. 

The Princesses and the Phone

The Princesses and the Phone


I had to go to Austin TX this week for work and found my onto 6th street. Found a contortionist in the middle of those inside a suitcase and another man looking for investors into his agricultural endeavors. 

Contortionist inside a siutcaseating laying in the middle of 6th street in Austin TX

Contortionist inside a siutcaseating laying in the middle of 6th street in Austin TX

The contortionist stretching out in the middle of 6th Sreer.  

The contortionist stretching out in the middle of 6th Sreer.  

An individual seeking investors, while the contortionist works in the back ground. 

An individual seeking investors, while the contortionist works in the back ground.