This week I had my first opportunity to ride in a helicopter with @RiversEdgeKC out of the Charles B Wheeler Downtown Airport just north of downtown Kansas City. Walking up to the helicopter I was nervous with excitement and anticipation, having never done anything like this before.
Once I was strapped into the front seat, a bit of reality set in that soon nothing but some spinning rotors, and aluminum body work would separate me from the ground below, and I may have started to have a mild bit of a panic inside my head. Of course, I played it cool on the outside while Tim got everything ready to go.
Luckily, once we got a few feet off of the ground, my mild palpitations turned from panic and fear into an unrelenting wave of sheer excitement. And soon I was more concerned about my shot then the fact that I was in a doors off flight with just a seatbelt keeping me in my place. This was by far one of the most exhilarating things I have done in a long time. And the fact I was able to capture some amazing images (more to come on that) made it all the better.